Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hedge fund manager 'earns' $1 million an hour

Yes, folks, last year, even as 15 million Americans continued to look for work and the average wage barely kept up with the cost of living, the 25 best paid hedge fund managers raked in a total of $14.14 billion, an average of $565.6 million per year, according to an analysis published last week by Institutional Investor Alpha.

The top ten took home $10.1 billion, and top manager David Tepper-who did not even make the top 25 last year-made off with $2.2 billion, equivalent to $1,057,692 an hour, as much as the average American family makes in 21 years.  As the report points out, the 2012 numbers were actually the lowest since 2008, when hedge fund managers lost money because of the financial crisis they largely caused. In 2011, the top 25 made $14.4 billion….

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