Friday, May 24, 2013

Beware of that hedge fund in the window

When hedge fund managers advertise, performance dips, according to Fortune’s Dan Primack.

Hedge funds soon will be allowed to advertise their wares to potential clients, thanks to a provision in last year's JOBS Act (which had no direct relation to actual jobs). As will private equity funds, venture capital funds and other alternative investment vehicles that heretofore were prohibited from general solicitation.
Former SEC Commissioner Mary Shapiro opposed the change, so she basically sat on it (apparently believing her personal opinion trumped the directive of federal legislation). New SEC Commissioner Mary Jo White has suggested that she'll move this and other JOBS Act provisions along shortly.

So in a few months expect the pages of your favorite financial rag and website to contain advertisements for investment opportunities that you probably can't afford (since you'll still need to be an "accredited investor" to actually participate). For the 1%, however, a word of warning: Future performance is likely to be worse than past performance. That's the finding of a new academic paper…

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