Sunday, June 23, 2013

Goldman Sachs Goes Social: You've A Come A Long Way Lloyd Baby!

From HuffPo:  There was a time when reading through a public company's annual report was mostly for those with problems sleeping. While arguably the most critical opportunity for companies to "strut their stuff" before the public and their investors, most annual reports were "yawn-worthy" glossy books with pages of boring text and pictures of lighthouses, compasses and yachts, in addition to piles of numbers and charts.

Until now...Thankfully, and at long last, 2013 has rung the death knell for the static, boring, sleep-inducing, hard-cover bug-swatting paperweight annual report. For all the annual report hoarders out there who still love getting hefty packages in the mail, not to worry: the movement is only just beginning. But like the move from radio to television, what is starting to emerge are more colorful, digital, interactive, engaging and entertaining packages that resonate - especially with the younger generation which has next to zero interest in reading anything on paper, and wants to be told what's going on - not dig for it.
Interactive charts and graphics; video snippets from the CEO and other senior execs; links to research, materials, blogs and other information….

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